#!/bin/bash # Spell cast: Secure Shell (ssh) and Secure Copy (scp) echo "Welcome, apprentice. Today we will be learning about the Secure Shell (ssh) and Secure Copy (scp) commands." echo "These spells are crucial for securely accessing remote servers and copying files between them." echo "Let's begin by setting up an ssh key. This will allow us to securely log in to a remote server without using a password." # Generate an ssh key ssh-keygen -t rsa echo "Your ssh key has been generated. Now we need to add it to the remote server's authorized_keys file" # Add ssh key to remote server ssh-copy-id user@remote_server echo "Your ssh key has been added to the remote server. You can now log in to the remote server using ssh." # Log in to remote server ssh user@remote_server echo "Now that we are logged in to the remote server, let's try copying a file using the secure copy (scp) command." # Copy file from local to remote server scp file.txt user@remote_server:/path/to/file.txt echo "The file has been successfully copied to the remote server. You can also copy files from the remote server to your local machine using scp." # Copy file from remote to local server scp user@remote_server:/path/to/file.txt file.txt echo "You can also copy entire directories using the -r flag." # Copy directory from local to remote server scp -r local_directory user@remote_server:/path/to/remote_directory echo "You can also copy files and directories between remote servers" # Copy file from remote server 1 to remote server 2 scp user1@remote_server1:/path/to/file.txt user2@remote_server2:/path/to/file.txt echo "And that's it for our lesson on ssh and scp. Remember, these spells are powerful tools for securely accessing and transferring files between servers. Use them wisely." echo "Spell cast successfully!"