#!/usr/bin/env sh # This magical knowledge serves as a colorful palette of hues and shades, # granting control over the appearance of the terminal. # Use these variables to add color to your writing. # Example: echo -en "${RED}Error:${RESET} An error message." # This script contains all color codes in the POSIX standard. # You must source this script with 'source ./cursor' or '. ./cursor' to use it. # Reset all attributes to their default values RESET="\033[0m" # Colors BLACK="\033[30m" RED="\033[31m" GREEN="\033[32m" YELLOW="\033[33m" BLUE="\033[34m" PURPLE="\033[35m" CYAN="\033[36m" WHITE="\033[37m" # Or is this default/white? GREY="\033[2m" # Formatting BOLD="\033[1m" ITALICS="\033[3m" #or 3? UNDERLINED="\033[4m" BLINK="\033[5m" INVERT="\033[7m" STRIKE="\033[9m" # Strikethrough # Bright colors BRIGHT_BLACK="\033[30;1m" BRIGHT_RED="\033[31;1m" BRIGHT_GREEN="\033[32;1m" BRIGHT_YELLOW="\033[33;1m" BRIGHT_BLUE="\033[34;1m" BRIGHT_PURPLE="\033[35;1m" BRIGHT_CYAN="\033[36;1m" BRIGHT_WHITE="\033[37;1m" # Background colors BG_BLACK="\033[40m" BG_RED="\033[41m" BG_GREEN="\033[42m" BG_YELLOW="\033[43m" BG_BLUE="\033[44m" BG_PURPLE="\033[45m" BG_CYAN="\033[46m" BG_WHITE="\033[47m" # Bright background colors BG_BRIGHT_BLACK="\033[40;1m" BG_BRIGHT_RED="\033[41;1m" BG_BRIGHT_GREEN="\033[42;1m" BG_BRIGHT_YELLOW="\033[103m" BG_BRIGHT_BLUE="\033[104m" BG_BRIGHT_PURPLE="\033[105m" BG_BRIGHT_CYAN="\033[106m" BG_BRIGHT_WHITE="\033[107m"