#!/bin/sh # This script facilitates the setting of the configurations for thy Bitcoin system. # Function to check if a command needs to be run with sudo retry_with_sudo() { echo "Permission denied. Invoking the power of the super user..." sudo "$@" if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo "Failed to execute with elevated privileges. Make certain thou hast the necessary permissions and try again." exit 1 fi } # Default Bitcoin configuration bitcoin_conf="$HOME/.bitcoin/bitcoin.conf" default_conf="proxy=\nlisten=1\nbind=\ndisablewallet=1\nzmqpubrawblock=tcp://\nzmqpubrawtx=tcp://\nBTC_LOGIN" # Helper function to modify bitcoin.conf using awk modify_bitcoin_conf() { local key=$1 local value=$2 awk -v key="$key" -v value="$value" 'BEGIN{FS=OFS="="} !/^#/ && $1==key {$2=value; found=1} 1; END {if (!found) print key"="value}' "$bitcoin_conf" > "$bitcoin_conf.tmp" && mv "$bitcoin_conf.tmp" "$bitcoin_conf" || retry_with_sudo awk -v key="$key" -v value="$value" 'BEGIN{FS=OFS="="} !/^#/ && $1==key {$2=value; found=1} 1; END {if (!found) print key"="value}' "$bitcoin_conf" | sudo tee "$bitcoin_conf" >/dev/null } # Check for the bitcoin.conf file if [ ! -f "$bitcoin_conf" ]; then echo "Creating new bitcoin.conf at the default location with default settings..." mkdir -p "$HOME/.bitcoin" echo -e "$default_conf" > "$bitcoin_conf" else printf "Found existing bitcoin.conf at $bitcoin_conf:\n\n" cat "$bitcoin_conf" printf "\n" printf "Would you like to reset it to default settings? (Y/n): " read -r reset_conf reset_conf=${reset_conf:-Y} if [ "$reset_conf" = "Y" ]; then echo "Resetting bitcoin.conf to default settings..." echo -e "$default_conf" > "$bitcoin_conf" fi fi # Pruning printf "Wouldst thou like to enable pruning? Pruning allows thee to reduce disk usage by discarding some transaction history. (Y/n): " read -r enable_pruning enable_pruning=${enable_pruning:-Y} if [ "$enable_pruning" = "Y" ]; then modify_bitcoin_conf "prune" "1" else modify_bitcoin_conf "prune" "0" fi # Maximum memory printf "What is the maximum memory thou art willing to dedicate to Bitcoin in MB? (Type a number) [default: 300]: " read -r max_mem max_mem=${max_mem:-300} modify_bitcoin_conf "dbcache" "$max_mem" # Data directory printf "Wouldst thou like to store the blockchain in the default location ($HOME/.bitcoin)? (Y/n): " read -r default_datadir default_datadir=${default_datadir:-Y} if [ "$default_datadir" = "N" ]; then printf "Enter the path to thy desired data directory: " read -r datadir modify_bitcoin_conf "datadir" "$datadir" fi # Network selection printf "Art thou operating on the main Bitcoin network? (Y/n): " read -r mainnet mainnet=${mainnet:-Y} if [ "$mainnet" = "Y" ]; then modify_bitcoin_conf "testnet" "0" else modify_bitcoin_conf "testnet" "1" fi echo "Thy Bitcoin configurations have been set. Fare thee well."