#!/usr/bin/env sh # This magical spell moves the cursor to the specified x and y coordinates in the terminal window, as if guided by an unseen hand. # Define the function to move the cursor move_cursor() { x=$1 y=$2 # Move the cursor to the specified position printf "\033[${y};${x}H" } # Unit test test_move_cursor() { . assertions initial_x=$(fathom-cursor -x) initial_y=$(fathom-cursor -y) move_cursor 3 4 final_position=$(fathom-cursor) assert_equal $final_position "3;4" move_cursor $initial_x $initial_y echo "All tests passed" } # Check if the script is being sourced, and run it if not if [ "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" = "$0" ]; then move_cursor "$@" fi