#!/bin/sh # This script creates a new player in the MUD and associates them with an SSH key. # It first prompts the user for a player name and an SSH key. # It then checks if a user with that player name and SSH key already exists, and if so, exits. # If the user and key combination do not already exist, it adds the key to the authorized_keys file and creates the corresponding user. echo "Enter player name:" read playername echo "Enter SSH key:" read sshkey # check if user already exists if id "$playername" >/dev/null 2>&1; then echo "Error: user $playername already exists. Please delete the existing user first and try again." exit 1 fi # check if key already exists in authorized_keys file if grep -q "$sshkey" ~/.ssh/authorized_keys; then echo "Error: key already exists in authorized_keys file. Please delete the existing key first and try again." exit 1 fi # add key to authorized_keys file echo "$sshkey $playername@mud" >> ~/.ssh/authorized_keys # create user useradd "$playername"