// Functions to add and remove AO features import { execSync, exec } from 'child_process' import { AO_MANUAL_PATH } from './manual.js' import { loadJsonFile } from './files.js' // Adds a line to .bashrc to make 'ao' an alias for 'ao-cli', to simplify using the AO from the command line export function installAoAlias() { try { execSync('grep "ao=\'ao-cli\'" ~/.bashrc') console.log('You can already type \'ao\' to launch ao-cli; the alias line already exists in ~/.bashrc.') } catch(err) { execSync('echo alias ao=\'ao-cli\' >> .bashrc') console.log('Added alias line to ~/.bashrc. You can now type \'ao\' to launch ao-cli.') } } export async function getAoCliVersion() { const packageJson = await loadJsonFile('./package.json') return packageJson.version } // Updates the globally-installed version of this package, ao-cli, using npm export async function selfUpdate() { try { const beforeVersionNumber = await getAoCliVersion() const result = execSync('npm update -g @autonomousorganization/ao-cli 2>&1') const afterVersionNumber = await getAoCliVersion() if(beforeVersionNumber === afterVersionNumber) { console.log("AO version is already current.") } else { console.log('\nao-cli self-updated automatically from version', beforeVersionNumber, 'to version', afterVersionNumber, 'from the official npm repository.') } } catch (err) { console.log('Failed to update ao-cli: ', err) } } export async function updateManual() { exec('cd ' + process.env.HOME + '/.ao/manual && git pull origin main 2>&1', (error, stdout, stderr) => { //console.log('error:', error, 'stdout:', stdout, 'stderr:', stderr) if(error) { console.log('git pull failed with error:', error) } if(stdout.includes('Already up to date.')) { return } console.log('/nAO User Manual was updated.') }) } // Downloads the ao-manual repo to ~/.ao/manual/ export function downloadManual() { try { execSync('git clone http://git.coalitionofinvisiblecolleges.org:3009/autonomousorganization/ao-manual.git ' + AO_MANUAL_PATH + ' 2>&1') } catch(err) { switch(err.code) { case 128: return false } } return true }