import { execSync } from 'child_process' import { fileURLToPath } from 'url' import path from 'path' import { loadJsonFile } from '../files.js' // Can't include .json files without adding an experimental node flag, but we can use this workaround to use require, which works, instead import { createRequire } from "module"; // Bring in the ability to create the 'require' method const require = createRequire(import.meta.url); // construct the require method const packageVersion = require("../../package.json").version const __filename = fileURLToPath(import.meta.url) const __dirname = path.dirname(__filename) // Returns one of: off, installed, enabled, running, synced, error function cliStatus() { try { const stdout = execSync('npm list -g @autonomousorganization/ao-cli') const isAoCliInstalled = stdout.includes('@autonomousorganization/ao-cli@') if(isAoCliInstalled) return 'installed' } catch(err) { return 'error' } return 'off' } // It is possible to run ao-cli with npx @autonomousorganization/ao-cli. In this case, it can help you install it permanently. function installAoCli() { try { execSync('npm i -g @autonomousorganization/ao-cli 2>&1') console.log('Installed ao-cli.') } catch(err) { console.log('Error installing ao-cli:', err) } } async function getAoCliVersion() { return execSync('ao-cli --version').toString().replace(/\n$/, '') } // Updates the globally-installed version of this package, ao-cli, using npm async function selfUpdate() { try { const beforeVersionNumber = await getAoCliVersion() const result = execSync('npm update -g @autonomousorganization/ao-cli 2>&1') const afterVersionNumber = await getAoCliVersion() if(beforeVersionNumber === afterVersionNumber) { console.log("ao-cli version is already current.") } else { console.log('\nao-cli self-updated automatically from version', beforeVersionNumber, 'to version', afterVersionNumber, 'from the official npm repository.') } } catch (err) { console.log('Failed to update ao-cli: ', err) } } // Returns true if the 'ao' alias for ao-cli has already been addded to .bashrc function checkAoAlias() { try { execSync('grep "ao=ao-cli" ~/.bashrc') } catch(err) { return 'off' } return 'installed' } // Adds a line to .bashrc to make 'ao' an alias for 'ao-cli', to simplify using the AO from the command line function installAoAlias() { try { execSync('echo alias ao=ao-cli >> $HOME/.bashrc') console.log('Added alias line to ~/.bashrc. You can now type \'ao\' to launch ao-cli.') } catch(err) { console.log('Failed to add alias, sorry.') } } // Returns true if the cd hook function has already been addded to .bashrc function checkCdHook() { try { execSync('grep "function cd \{ builtin cd.*--interstitial.* ; \}$" ~/\.bashrc') } catch(err) { return 'off' } return 'installed' } // Adds a line to .bashrc to make 'ao' an alias for 'ao-cli', to simplify using the AO from the command line function installCdHook() { try { execSync('echo \'function cd { builtin cd "\$@" && node \~/ao-cli \-\-interstitial "\$\@" ; }\' >> $HOME/.bashrc') console.log('Added alias line to ~/.bashrc. Try typing \'cd\' in a terminal.') } catch(err) { console.log('Failed to add alias, sorry.') } } function removeCdHook() { try { let result = execSync('sed -i \'/^function cd.*/d\' ' + process.env.HOME + '/.bashrc') console.log('sed:', result.toString()) } catch(error) { console.log(error.output.toString()) } } export default { description: 'this AO command-line interface', status: cliStatus, install: installAoCli, version: getAoCliVersion, update: selfUpdate, add_alias: installAoAlias, remove_alias: () => console.log("Not implemented yet."), add_cd: installCdHook, remove_cd: removeCdHook, menu: [ { name: () => checkAoAlias() === 'installed' ? 'Remove \'ao\' shortcut for \'ao-cli\'' : 'Install \'ao\' shortcut for \'ao-cli\'', value: () => checkAoAlias() === 'installed' ? 'remove_alias' : 'add_alias' }, { name: () => checkCdHook() === 'installed' ? 'Remove \'cd\' fantasy hook' : 'Install \'cd\' fantasy hook', value: () => checkCdHook() === 'installed' ? 'remove_cd' : 'add_cd' }, ] }