#!/bin/bash # Downloads and configures Wordpress onto the current system # Zen, 2022 # Font decoration for better a e s t h e t i c RED="\e[0;91m" GREEN="\e[0;92m" BLUE="\e[0;94m" BOLD="\e[1m" ULINE="\e[4m" NC="\e[0m" # ------------------- Step 1 - Installing / Configuring MariaDB ------------------- if [ -f "/etc/debian_version" ]; then DISTRO="debian" echo "Debian, Ubuntu, or Raspbian OS detected." elif [ -f "/etc/arch-release" ]; then DISTRO="arch" echo "Arch- or Manjaro-based OS detected." elif [ $(uname | grep -c "Darwin") -eq 1 ]; then DISTRO="mac" echo "MacOS detected." else echo "I don't know what OS you're running! Cancelling this operation." exit 1 fi echo "" install_if_needed() { for package in "$@" do if [ -z $(which $package) ]; then echo "installing" $package case $DISTRO in "debian") sudo apt install -y $package ;; "arch") sudo pacman -S $package ;; "mac") brew install $package ;; esac else echo $package 'already installed!' fi done } install_if_needed mariadb-server php php-fpm php-mysql nginx echo "" read -p "Do you want to secure the database for production deployment? (y/n): " -n1 boot echo "" case $boot in y | Y) echo "Securing database..." sudo mysql_secure_installation ;; esac echo "" MATCH=0 while [[ MATCH -eq 0 ]]; do read -sp "Enter the password that you would like to use for MariaDB: " pass echo "" read -sp "Please confirm your password: " pass2 echo "" if [[ "$pass" == "$pass2" ]]; then MATCH=1 sudo mariadb -e "CREATE DATABASE wordpress;" sudo mariadb -e "GRANT ALL ON wordpress.* TO '${USER}'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY '${pass}' WITH GRANT OPTION;" sudo mariadb -e "FLUSH PRIVILEGES;" else echo "Passwords did not match :(" echo "" fi done # ------------------- Step 2 - Downloading / Configuring WordPress ------------------- if [[ -e 'resources/wordpress.tar.gz' ]]; then echo "Wordpress already downloaded!" else echo -e "${ULINE}Downloading Wordpress...${NC}" curl -o resources/wordpress.tar.gz 'https://wordpress.org/latest.tar.gz' fi WP_DIR="" while [[ -z $WP_DIR ]]; do echo "" echo "Where would you like to place the wordpress directory? Enter a path or leave blank for $HOME: " read -e WP_DIR if [[ -z $WP_DIR ]]; then WP_DIR=$HOME fi if [[ -d $WP_DIR ]]; then echo "Saving to $WP_DIR" else echo "" echo "Sorry, $WP_DIR doesn't seem like a valid directory to me..." WP_DIR="" echo "$WP_DIR" fi done if [[ -z $(ls -A $WP_DIR/wordpress) ]]; then tar -xzvf resources/wordpress.tar.gz --directory $WP_DIR echo "Wordpress has been extracted to $WP_DIR"! else echo "Oh! It's already there." fi echo "" echo "Configuring wordpress..." cp $WP_DIR/wordpress/wp-config-sample.php $WP_DIR/wordpress/wp-config.php sed -i 's/database_name_here/wordpress/' $WP_DIR/wordpress/wp-config.php sed -i "s/username_here/${USER}/" $WP_DIR/wordpress/wp-config.php sed -i "s/password_here/${pass}/" $WP_DIR/wordpress/wp-config.php # while this phrase exists, replace it with a seed phrase while grep -q 'put your unique phrase here' $WP_DIR/wordpress/wp-config.php; do SEED=$(echo $RANDOM | md5sum | awk {'print $1'}) sed -i "0,/put your unique phrase here/s//${SEED}/" $WP_DIR/wordpress/wp-config.php done echo "Done!" # ------------------- Step 3 - NGINX Setup ------------------- echo "" echo "We might need to query DNS records here..." install_if_needed dig echo "" read -p "Do you have a domain name pointing to this computer? (y/n): " -n1 boot echo "" case $boot in y | Y) echo "Good to hear! What is it?" read -p "http://" domain ;; *) echo "Okay, let's just configure it to your external IP for now." domain=$(dig @resolver4.opendns.com myip.opendns.com +short) echo "Looks like you're running on ${domain}" ;; esac echo "" WP_NGINX_CONF=/etc/nginx/sites-available/wp sudo cp resources/nginx/wordpress.nginx.conf $WP_NGINX_CONF sudo sed -i "s#SERVER_NAME#${domain}#" $WP_NGINX_CONF sudo sed -i "s#FILE_ROOT#${WP_DIR}/wordpress#" $WP_NGINX_CONF sudo ln -s /etc/nginx/sites-available/wp /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/ echo "" sudo systemctl reload nginx echo "Excellent! We've configured $WP_NGINX_CONF to serve your WordPress site from $domain" echo "" # ------------------- Step 4 - Certbot ------------------- read -p "Would you like to enable SSL via Certbot? (y/n): " -n1 boot echo "" case $boot in y | Y) echo "Alright, let's get Certbot in here!" install_if_needed python3 certbot python3-certbot-nginx echo -e "${BOLD}Take it away, Certbot${NC}" sudo certbot --nginx ;; *) echo "Yea, SSL is lame anyways..." ;; esac echo "" # ------------------- Step 5 - Port Testing ------------------- echo -e "${BOLD}One more thing!${NC} We need to make sure that your ports are open." nmap -Pn $domain > nmap.txt OPEN=1 if grep -qE "^80/.*(open|filtered)" nmap.txt; then echo -e "I can see port ${GREEN}80${NC}!" else echo -e "Uh oh, port ${RED}80${NC} isn't showing up..." OPEN=0 fi if grep -qE "^443/.*(open|filtered)" nmap.txt; then echo -e "I can see port ${GREEN}443${NC} as well!" else echo -e "Uh oh, port ${RED}443${NC} isn't showing up..." OPEN=0 fi rm nmap.txt echo "" if [[ $OPEN -eq 0 ]]; then echo -e "${RED}Port configuration needed.${NC} Something (probably your wireless router) is blocking us from serving this page to the rest of the internet." echo "Port forwarding is relatively simple, but as it stands it is beyond the scope of this script to be able to automate it." echo -e "You'll probably need to look up the login information for your specific router and forward the red ports to the local IP of this computer (${BOLD}$(ip route | grep default | grep -oP "(?<=src )[^ ]+")${NC})." echo -e "You can log into your router at this IP address: ${BOLD}$(route -n | grep ^ | awk '{print $2}')${NC}" echo "That's all the help I can give you regarding port forwarding. Good luck!" echo "" fi echo "Okay, well that's everything! As long as your ports are forwarded, you should be ready to continue your WordPress setup by opening $domain in your browser."