# Downloads and configures Wordpress onto the current system
# Zen, 2022
# Font decoration for better a e s t h e t i c
RED = "\e[0;91m"
GREEN = "\e[0;92m"
BLUE = "\e[0;94m"
BOLD = "\e[1m"
ULINE = "\e[4m"
NC = "\e[0m"
# ------------------- Step 1 - Installing / Configuring MariaDB -------------------
if [ -f "/etc/debian_version" ] ; then
DISTRO = "debian"
echo "Debian, Ubuntu, or Raspbian OS detected."
elif [ -f "/etc/arch-release" ] ; then
DISTRO = "arch"
echo "Arch- or Manjaro-based OS detected."
elif [ $( uname | grep -c "Darwin" ) -eq 1 ] ; then
DISTRO = "mac"
echo "MacOS detected."
echo "I don't know what OS you're running! Cancelling this operation."
exit 1
echo ""
install_if_needed( ) {
for package in " $@ "
if [ -z $( which $package ) ] ; then
echo "installing" $package
case $DISTRO in
"debian" )
sudo apt install -y $package
; ;
"arch" )
sudo pacman -S $package
; ;
"mac" )
brew install $package
; ;
echo $package 'already installed!'
install_if_needed mariadb-server php php-fpm php-mysql nginx
echo ""
read -p "Do you want to secure the database for production deployment? (y/n): " -n1 boot
echo ""
case $boot in
y | Y)
echo "Securing database..."
sudo mysql_secure_installation
; ;
echo ""
while [ [ MATCH -eq 0 ] ] ; do
read -sp "Enter the password that you would like to use for MariaDB: " pass
echo ""
read -sp "Please confirm your password: " pass2
echo ""
if [ [ " $pass " = = " $pass2 " ] ] ; then
sudo mariadb -e "CREATE DATABASE wordpress;"
sudo mariadb -e " GRANT ALL ON wordpress.* TO ' ${ USER } '@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY ' ${ pass } ' WITH GRANT OPTION; "
sudo mariadb -e "FLUSH PRIVILEGES;"
echo "Passwords did not match :("
echo ""
# ------------------- Step 2 - Downloading / Configuring WordPress -------------------
if [ [ -e 'resources/wordpress.tar.gz' ] ] ; then
echo "Wordpress already downloaded!"
echo -e " ${ ULINE } Downloading Wordpress... ${ NC } "
curl -o resources/wordpress.tar.gz 'https://wordpress.org/latest.tar.gz'
WP_DIR = ""
while [ [ -z $WP_DIR ] ] ; do
echo ""
echo " Where would you like to place the wordpress directory? Enter a path or leave blank for $HOME : "
read -e WP_DIR
if [ [ -z $WP_DIR ] ] ; then
if [ [ -d $WP_DIR ] ] ; then
echo " Saving to $WP_DIR "
echo ""
echo " Sorry, $WP_DIR doesn't seem like a valid directory to me... "
WP_DIR = ""
echo " $WP_DIR "
if [ [ -z $( ls -A $WP_DIR /wordpress) ] ] ; then
tar -xzvf resources/wordpress.tar.gz --directory $WP_DIR
echo " Wordpress has been extracted to $WP_DIR " !
echo "Oh! It's already there."
echo ""
echo "Configuring wordpress..."
cp $WP_DIR /wordpress/wp-config-sample.php $WP_DIR /wordpress/wp-config.php
sed -i 's/database_name_here/wordpress/' $WP_DIR /wordpress/wp-config.php
sed -i " s/username_here/ ${ USER } / " $WP_DIR /wordpress/wp-config.php
sed -i " s/password_here/ ${ pass } / " $WP_DIR /wordpress/wp-config.php
# while this phrase exists, replace it with a seed phrase
while grep -q 'put your unique phrase here' $WP_DIR /wordpress/wp-config.php; do
SEED = $( echo $RANDOM | md5sum | awk { 'print $1' } )
sed -i " 0,/put your unique phrase here/s// ${ SEED } / " $WP_DIR /wordpress/wp-config.php
echo "Done!"
# ------------------- Step 3 - NGINX Setup -------------------
echo ""
echo "We might need to query DNS records here..."
install_if_needed dig
echo ""
read -p "Do you have a domain name pointing to this computer? (y/n): " -n1 boot
echo ""
case $boot in
y | Y)
echo "Good to hear! What is it?"
read -p "http://" domain
; ;
echo "Okay, let's just configure it to your external IP for now."
domain = $( dig @resolver4.opendns.com myip.opendns.com +short)
echo " Looks like you're running on ${ domain } "
; ;
echo ""
WP_NGINX_CONF = /etc/nginx/sites-available/wp
sudo cp resources/nginx/wordpress.nginx.conf $WP_NGINX_CONF
sudo sed -i " s#SERVER_NAME# ${ domain } # " $WP_NGINX_CONF
sudo sed -i " s#FILE_ROOT# ${ WP_DIR } /wordpress# " $WP_NGINX_CONF
sudo ln -s /etc/nginx/sites-available/wp /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/
echo ""
sudo systemctl reload nginx
echo " Excellent! We've configured $WP_NGINX_CONF to serve your WordPress site from $domain "
echo ""
# ------------------- Step 4 - Certbot -------------------
read -p "Would you like to enable SSL via Certbot? (y/n): " -n1 boot
echo ""
case $boot in
y | Y)
echo "Alright, let's get Certbot in here!"
install_if_needed python3 certbot python3-certbot-nginx
echo -e " ${ BOLD } Take it away, Certbot ${ NC } "
sudo certbot --nginx
; ;
echo "Yea, SSL is lame anyways..."
; ;
echo ""
# ------------------- Step 5 - Port Testing -------------------
echo -e " ${ BOLD } One more thing! ${ NC } We need to make sure that your ports are open. "
nmap -Pn $domain > nmap.txt
OPEN = 1
if grep -qE "^80/.*(open|filtered)" nmap.txt; then
echo -e " I can see port ${ GREEN } 80 ${ NC } ! "
echo -e " Uh oh, port ${ RED } 80 ${ NC } isn't showing up... "
OPEN = 0
if grep -qE "^443/.*(open|filtered)" nmap.txt; then
echo -e " I can see port ${ GREEN } 443 ${ NC } as well! "
echo -e " Uh oh, port ${ RED } 443 ${ NC } isn't showing up... "
OPEN = 0
rm nmap.txt
echo ""
if [ [ $OPEN -eq 0 ] ] ; then
echo -e " ${ RED } Port configuration needed. ${ NC } Something (probably your wireless router) is blocking us from serving this page to the rest of the internet. "
echo "Port forwarding is relatively simple, but as it stands it is beyond the scope of this script to be able to automate it."
echo -e " You'll probably need to look up the login information for your specific router and forward the red ports to the local IP of this computer ( ${ BOLD } $( ip route | grep default | grep -oP "(?<=src )[^ ]+" ) ${ NC } ). "
echo -e " You can log into your router at this IP address: ${ BOLD } $( route -n | grep ^ | awk '{print $2}' ) ${ NC } "
echo "That's all the help I can give you regarding port forwarding. Good luck!"
echo ""
echo " Okay, well that's everything! As long as your ports are forwarded, you should be ready to continue your WordPress setup by opening $domain in your browser. "