# Script for installing the base dependencies of AO and getting it running
# Bare Metal Alchemist, 2022
source scripts/ingredients
echo ''
echo ' d8888 .d88888b. 8888888 888 888 888 '
echo ' d88888 d88P" "Y88b 888 888 888 888 '
echo ' d88P888 888 888 888 888 888 888 '
echo ' d88P 888 888 888 888 88888b. .d8888b 888888 8888b. 888 888 .d88b. 888d888 '
echo ' d88P 888 888 888 888 888 "88b 88K 888 "88b 888 888 d8P Y8b 888P" '
echo ' d88P 888 888 888 888 888 888 "Y8888b. 888 .d888888 888 888 88888888 888 '
echo ' d8888888888 Y88b. .d88P 888 888 888 X88 Y88b. 888 888 888 888 Y8b. 888 '
echo 'd88P 888 "Y88888P" 8888888 888 888 88888P" "Y888 "Y888888 888 888 "Y8888 888 '
echo ''
# ------------------- Step 1 - Baseline Setup -------------------
echo -e " ${ BOLD } Hiya! ${ RESET } We're going to get you set up with your very own Autonomous Engine. "
echo ""
echo -e " This script is designed to ask you just enough questions to keep you involved in the process,\nwhile making it as easy as possible for you to get it going. \n\n ${ BLUE } press enter to continue ${ RESET } "
echo -e "Making sure we've got the basics..."
echo -e " (you'll probably need to input ${ BLUE } your 'sudo' password ${ RESET } here) "
case $DISTRO in
"debian" )
# Note -- I'm not sure if these are all needed but I'm not in the mood to check
install_if_needed git wget sqlite3 zlib1g-dev libtool-bin autoconf autoconf-archive automake autotools-dev \
libgmp-dev libsqlite3-dev python python3 python3-mako libsodium-dev build-essential pkg-config libev-dev \
libcurl4-gnutls-dev libssl-dev fakeroot devscripts
; ;
"arch" )
if [ [ ! $( pacman -Qg base-devel) ] ] ; then
sudo pacman -S base-devel --noconfirm
install_if_needed wget python gmp sqlite3 \
python-mako python-pip net-tools zlib libsodium gettext dnsutils nginx
; ;
"mac" )
# install_if_needed better-computer
; ;
"fedora" )
install_if_needed git wget tor sqlite3 autoconf autoconf-archive automake \
python python3 python3-mako pkg-config fakeroot devscripts
; ;
echo ""
## ------------------- Step 2 - AO Environment Setup -------------------
AO = ''
echo -e " ${ BOLD } Hey! ${ RESET } I was wondering which ${ BLUE } version of AO ${ RESET } you wanted to install. \n "
echo -e " ${ BOLD } 1. ${ RESET } ao-3 (Vue) "
echo -e " ${ BOLD } 2. ${ RESET } ao-react (React) "
while [ [ -z $AO ] ] ; do
echo -en " ${ BLUE } (number): ${ RESET } "
read -n1 ao_select
echo ""
echo ""
case $ao_select in
"1" )
echo "Minimalism, I like it! Proceeding with ao-3 installation"
AO = 3
; ;
"2" )
echo "It's got community! Proceeding with ao-react installation"
AO = react
; ;
echo "that aint no AO i ever heard of, try again"
; ;
done ;
echo ""
if [ $AO = "3" ] || [ $AO = 'react' ] ; then
echo -e " ${ BOLD } Installing Node.js ${ RESET } "
chmod +x scripts/nvm_install.sh
export NVM_DIR = " $HOME /.nvm "
[ -s " $NVM_DIR /nvm.sh " ] && \. " $NVM_DIR /nvm.sh " # This loads nvm
[ -s " $NVM_DIR /bash_completion " ] && \. " $NVM_DIR /bash_completion " # This loads nvm bash_completion
if [ " $SHELL " = '/bin/zsh' ] ; then
echo 'sourcing zshrc'
source ~/.zshrc
source ~/.bashrc
nvm install v16.13.0
nvm alias default v16.13.0
nvm use default
# Note, it would be a good idea to compile Bitcoin from C to make it resistant to changes in architecture (should work for any ISA)
if [ $AO = "3" ] || [ $AO = 'react' ] ; then
echo -e " ${ BOLD } Installing Bitcoin Ecosystem ${ RESET } "
if [ $ISA = = 'x86_64' ] && [ ! -e images/bitcoin-22.0* ] ; then
wget https://bitcoincore.org/bin/bitcoin-core-22.0/bitcoin-22.0-x86_64-linux-gnu.tar.gz -P images/
elif [ $ISA = = 'armv7l' ] && [ ! -e images/bitcoin-22.0* ] ; then
wget https://bitcoincore.org/bin/bitcoin-core-22.0/bitcoin-22.0-arm-linux-gnueabihf.tar.gz -P images/
tar -xvf images/bitcoin-22.0*.tar.gz
sleep 1
sudo cp bitcoin-22.0/bin/* /usr/local/bin/
rm -rf bitcoin-22.0
echo -e " ${ BOLD } Installing lightningd ${ RESET } "
git clone https://github.com/ElementsProject/lightning.git ~/lightning
pushd ~/lightning
git checkout v0.10.2
# The latest version of mistune breaks lightning install
pip uninstall mistune
pip install --user mistune = = 0.8.4
pip install --user mrkd
sudo make
sudo make install
# TODO fix clboss
# echo 'Installing clboss'
# git clone https://github.com/ZmnSCPxj/clboss.git ~/clboss
# pushd ~/clboss
# git checkout 0.11B
# mkdir m4
# autoreconf -i
# ./configure
# make
# sudo make install
# popd
echo ""
echo -e " ${ BOLD } Bitcoin installed! ${ RESET } Let's make sure it's configured now. "
mkdir -p ~/.bitcoin
AUTHDEETS = $( python3 scripts/rpcauth.py ao)
AUTHLINE = $( echo $AUTHDEETS | grep -o rpcauth = ao:[ ^[ :space:] ] *[ [ :space:] ] )
PASSLINE = $( echo $AUTHDEETS | grep -o [ ^[ :space:] ] *\$ )
if [ -f $HOME /.bitcoin/bitcoin.conf ] ; then
echo 'bitcoin config exists'
cp resources/sample_bitcoin.conf $HOME /.bitcoin/bitcoin.conf
echo 'created default bitcoin config'
sed -i " s/BTC_LOGIN/ ${ AUTHLINE } / " $HOME /.bitcoin/bitcoin.conf
read -p "Quick question - do you have 500GB of open memory on this device? (y/n): " prune
echo ""
case $prune in
y | Y)
echo "Okay great! We'll leave the bitcoin config it as it is."
; ;
echo "Let's cut it down to only store the last few blocks (It's only 550 MB!)"
sed -i "s/txindex=1/prune=550/" $HOME /.bitcoin/bitcoin.conf
; ;
echo ""
mkdir -p $HOME /.lightning
if [ -f $HOME /.lightning/config ] ; then
echo 'lightning config exists'
cp resources/sample_lightning_config $HOME /.lightning/config
echo 'created default lightning config'
echo ''
if [ $AO = "3" ] || [ $AO = 'react' ] ; then
echo -e " ${ BOLD } Installing and configuring Tor ${ RESET } \n "
install_if_needed tor
if [ -e /usr/local/etc/tor/torrc ] ; then
TORRCPATH = '/usr/local/etc/tor/torrc'
elif [ -e /etc/tor/torrc ] ; then
TORRCPATH = '/etc/tor/torrc'
# Configure and write torrc file
cp resources/torrc-template .
sudo sed -i " s#USER# ${ USER } #g " torrc-template
sudo sed -i " s#HOME# ${ HOME } #g " torrc-template
if [ -z " $TORRCPATH " ] ; then
echo -e " ${ RED } Uh oh... ${ RESET } I couldn't figure out where your torrc file is. That might cause some issues "
sleep 3
echo -e "\nAnyways...\n"
sleep 2
sudo mv torrc-template $TORRCPATH
# ------------------- Step 3 - AO Installation -------------------
echo -e " ${ BOLD } Configuring AO Core ${ RESET } \n "
mkdir -p $HOME /.ao
if [ -f $HOME /.ao/key ] ; then
echo 'We already have a private key for this AO, sweet!'
node scripts/createPrivateKey.js >> $HOME /.ao/key
echo -e " Just made a fresh private key and put it in ${ GREEN } ~/.ao ${ RESET } "
# TODO this is really janky/fragile, it would be better to store this in ~/.ao
CONFIG_FILE = $HOME /ao-$AO /configuration.js
case $AO in
"3" )
echo -e " Installing ${ BLUE } ao-3 ${ RESET } "
git clone 'https://github.com/AutonomousOrganization/ao-3.git' ~/ao-3
if [ -f " $CONFIG_FILE " ] ; then
echo configuration.js already exists
cp resources/ao-config $CONFIG_FILE
sed -i " s#SQLITE_DATABASE# ${ HOME } /.ao/database.sqlite3# " $CONFIG_FILE
sed -i " s#PRIVATEKEY# ${ HOME } /.ao/key# " $CONFIG_FILE
sed -i " s#CLIGHTNING_DIR# ${ HOME } /.lightning/bitcoin# " $CONFIG_FILE
sed -i " s#MEMES_DIR# ${ HOME } /.ao/memes# " $CONFIG_FILE
echo ""
pushd ~/ao-3
npm install
npm run build
npm run checkconfig
; ;
"react" )
echo -e " Installing ${ BLUE } ao-react ${ RESET } "
git clone 'https://github.com/coalition-of-invisible-colleges/ao-react.git' ~/ao-react
if [ -f " $CONFIG_FILE " ] ; then
echo configuration.js already exists
cp resources/ao-config $CONFIG_FILE
sed -i " s#SQLITE_DATABASE# ${ HOME } /.ao/database.sqlite3# " $CONFIG_FILE
sed -i " s#PRIVATEKEY# ${ HOME } /.ao/key# " $CONFIG_FILE
sed -i " s#CLIGHTNING_DIR# ${ HOME } /.lightning/bitcoin# " $CONFIG_FILE
sed -i " s#MEMES_DIR# ${ HOME } /.ao/memes# " $CONFIG_FILE
echo ""
pushd ~/ao-react
npm install
npm run webpack
; ;
# ------------------- Step 4 - NGINX Setup -------------------
echo ""
echo -e " You still there? I need to ask you some questions! \n\n ${ BLUE } (enter) ${ RESET } "
echo ""
read -p "Do you have a domain name pointing to this computer? (y/n): " dns
echo ""
case $dns in
y | Y)
echo "Good to hear! What is it?"
read -p "http://" domain
; ;
echo "Okay, let's just leave it open for now."
domain = $( dig @resolver4.opendns.com myip.opendns.com +short)
anywhere = 1
echo " Try accessing this AO from either localhost,, or ${ domain } "
; ;
if [ " $anywhere " -eq 1 ] ; then
ACCESS_POINT = http://localhost
ACCESS_POINT = https://$domain
echo ""
# Making sure this version of NGINX supports sites-enabled
if [ [ -z $( sudo cat /etc/nginx/nginx.conf | grep sites-enabled) ] ] ; then
sudo mkdir -p /etc/nginx/sites-available
sudo mkdir -p /etc/nginx/sites-enabled
sudo cp resources/base.nginx.conf /etc/nginx/nginx.conf
sudo mkdir -p /etc/nginx/logs
AO_NGINX_CONF = /etc/nginx/sites-available/ao
sudo cp resources/ao.nginx.conf $AO_NGINX_CONF
if [ -n $anywhere ] ; then
sudo sed -i "s#SERVER_NAME#_#" $AO_NGINX_CONF
sudo sed -i " s#SERVER_NAME# ${ domain } # " $AO_NGINX_CONF
sudo sed -i " s#FILE_ROOT# ${ HOME } /ao-react/dist# " $AO_NGINX_CONF
if [ ! -e /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/ao ] ; then
sudo ln -s /etc/nginx/sites-available/ao /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/
echo ""
echo " Excellent! We've configured $AO_NGINX_CONF to serve your AO from $domain "
echo ""
read -p "Would you like to enable SSL via Certbot? (y/n): " -n1 ssl
echo ""
case $ssl in
y | Y)
echo "Alright, let's get Certbot in here!"
install_if_needed python3 certbot python3-certbot-nginx
echo -e " ${ BOLD } Take it away, Certbot ${ NC } "
sudo certbot --nginx
; ;
echo "Yea, SSL is lame anyways..."
; ;
echo ""
# ------------------- Step 7 - Systemd Setup -------------------
READY = ''
echo -e " \n ${ BOLD } Alright, almost there! ${ RESET } Now we just need to set up the system daemons for Tor, Bitcoin, Lightning, and the AO so that everything opens on startup. "
while [ [ -z $READY ] ] ; do
echo -en " ${ BLUE } You ready? (y/n): ${ RESET } "
read -n1 ao_select
echo ""
echo ""
case $ao_select in
"y" | "Y" )
echo -e "Nice, let's do it.\n"
; ;
echo -e "wrong answer, fren\n"
; ;
echo ""
echo "Creating tor.service..."
TOR_SERVICE = /etc/systemd/system/tor.service
if [ -f " $TOR_SERVICE " ] ; then
echo "Seems like you've already got tor here!"
sudo cp resources/tor-service-template $TOR_SERVICE
# Making sure all values have been de-templated
sudo sed -i " s#USER# ${ USER } #g " $TOR_SERVICE
sudo sed -i " s#HOME# ${ HOME } #g " $TOR_SERVICE
sudo sed -i " s#TORRCPATH# ${ TORRCPATH } #g " $TOR_SERVICE
sudo sed -i " s#TORPATH# $( which tor) #g " $TOR_SERVICE
# Creating the .tor directory
sudo mkdir -p $HOME /.tor
sudo chown tor $HOME /.tor
sudo chgrp $USER $HOME /.tor
sudo chmod 770 $HOME /.tor
echo "Enabling and starting Tor"
sudo systemctl enable tor
sudo systemctl start tor
echo ""
echo "Creating bitcoin.service..."
BTC_SERVICE = /etc/systemd/system/bitcoin.service
if [ -f " $BTC_SERVICE " ] ; then
echo -e "Seems like you've already have a bitcoin service!"
sudo cp resources/bitcoin-service-template $BTC_SERVICE
# Making sure all values have been de-templated
sudo sed -i " s#USER# ${ USER } #g " $BTC_SERVICE
sudo sed -i " s#HOME# ${ HOME } #g " $BTC_SERVICE
sudo sed -i " s#BITCOIND# $( which bitcoind) #g " $BTC_SERVICE
echo -e " Enabling and starting ${ GREEN } Bitcoin ${ RESET } "
sudo systemctl enable bitcoin
sudo systemctl start bitcoin
echo ""
echo "Creating lightning.service..."
LN_SERVICE = /etc/systemd/system/lightning.service
if [ -f " $LN_SERVICE " ] ; then
echo -e "Seems like you've already have a lightning service!"
sudo cp resources/lightning-service-template $LN_SERVICE
# Making sure all values have been de-templated
sudo sed -i " s#USER# ${ USER } #g " $LN_SERVICE
sudo sed -i " s#HOME# ${ HOME } #g " $LN_SERVICE
sudo sed -i " s#LIGHTNINGD# $( which lightningd) #g " $LN_SERVICE
echo -e " Enabling and starting ${ GREEN } lightning ${ RESET } "
sudo systemctl enable lightning
sudo systemctl start lightning
echo ""
echo "Creating ao.service..."
AO_SERVICE = /etc/systemd/system/ao.service
if [ -f " $AO_SERVICE " ] ; then
echo "Seems like you've already added one of these!"
sudo cp resources/ao-service-template $AO_SERVICE
# Making sure all values have been de-templated
sudo sed -i " s#USER# ${ USER } #g " $AO_SERVICE
sudo sed -i " s#HOME# ${ HOME } #g " $AO_SERVICE
sudo sed -i " s#NODE# $( which node) #g " $AO_SERVICE
echo -e " Enabling and starting the ${ GREEN } AO ${ RESET } 's backend "
sudo systemctl enable ao
sudo systemctl start ao
echo ""
echo -e " Enabling and starting ${ GREEN } NGINX ${ RESET } as the webserver "
sudo systemctl enable nginx
sudo systemctl start nginx
# ------------------- Step 8 - Port Testing -------------------
echo ""
echo -e " ${ BOLD } One more thing! ${ RESET } We need to make sure that your ports are open. "
install_if_needed nmap
nmap -Pn $domain > nmap.txt
OPEN = 1
if grep -qE "^80/.*(open|filtered)" nmap.txt; then
echo -e " I can see port ${ GREEN } 80 ${ RESET } ! "
echo -e " Uh oh, port ${ RED } 80 ${ RESET } isn't showing up... "
OPEN = 0
if grep -qE "^443/.*(open|filtered)" nmap.txt; then
echo -e " I can see port ${ GREEN } 443 ${ RESET } as well! "
echo -e " Uh oh, port ${ RED } 443 ${ RESET } isn't showing up... "
OPEN = 0
rm nmap.txt
echo ""
if [ [ $OPEN -eq 0 ] ] ; then
echo -e " ${ RED } Port configuration needed. ${ RESET } Something (probably your wireless router) is blocking us from serving this page to the rest of the internet. "
echo "Port forwarding is relatively simple, but as it stands it is beyond the scope of this script to be able to automate it."
echo -e " You'll probably need to look up the login information for your specific router and forward the red ports to the local IP of this computer ( ${ BOLD } $( ip route | grep default | grep -oP "(?<=src )[^ ]+" ) ${ RESET } ). "
echo -e " You can log into your router at this IP address: ${ BOLD } $( route -n | grep ^ | awk '{print $2}' ) ${ RESET } "
echo "That's all the help I can give you regarding port forwarding. Good luck!"
echo ""
# ------------------- Step 9 - Health Check -------------------
echo '*********************************************************'
echo -e " * ${ BOLD } Version Information ${ RESET } * "
echo '*********************************************************'
echo ' '
echo 'make Version'
echo '*********************************************************'
make --version
echo ' '
echo 'node Version'
echo '*********************************************************'
node --version
echo ' '
echo 'sqlite3 Version'
echo '*********************************************************'
sqlite3 --version
echo ' '
echo 'tor Version'
echo '*********************************************************'
tor --version
echo ' '
echo 'bitcoind Version'
echo '*********************************************************'
bitcoind --version
echo ' '
echo 'lightningd Version'
echo '*********************************************************'
lightningd --version
echo ' '
echo 'clboss Version'
echo '*********************************************************'
clboss --version
echo ""
echo -e " $BOLD \nOkay, well that's everything! ${ RESET } \n\nAs long as everything worked properly, \
you should be ready to continue your journey\n towards autonomy by opening ${ BLUE } $ACCESS_POINT ${ RESET } in your browser."
echo -e " The default login is ${ BLUE } dctrl/dctrl ${ RESET } , have fun! "
exit 0