ao-mud is a spellbook of well-commented atomic bash scripts that each do one thing. we are building semantic building blocks for an autonomously-evolving digital spellcasting language.

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# This script is a magical tome of sorcery, commanding the elusive entity known as Bitcoin.
. colors
# Displays the menu
display_menu() {
title="${BOLD}${CYAN}Bitcoin: $(bitcoin-status)"
blockchain_info="Display Blockchain Info%bitcoin-cli getblockchaininfo"
set_config="Configure Bitcoin%configure-bitcoin"
change_directory="Change Bitcoin Directory%change-bitcoin-directory"
clear_cache="Clear Bitcoin Cache%# coming soon"
repair_permissions="Repair Permissions%repair-bitcoin-permissions # Sometimes necessary"
exit_option="Exit%kill -2 $$" # Commands are run with 'eval' by the menu script, so we can't simply say 'exit'. The keyword $$ gets this scripts PID and the -2 code is SIGINT aka Ctrl-C
if is-bitcoin-installed; then
install_bitcoin_option="Uninstall Bitcoin%uninstall-bitcoin"
if is-service-installed bitcoin; then
install_service_option="Uninstall Bitcoin Service%remove-service bitcoin"
service_status_option="View Bitcoin Service Status%sudo systemctl status bitcoin"
if is-bitcoin-running; then
bitcoin_service_option="Stop Bitcoin Service%sudo systemctl stop bitcoin"
menu "$title" "$blockchain_info" "$set_config" "$change_directory" "$clear_cache" "$repair_permissions" "$service_status_option" "$bitcoin_service_option" "$install_service_option" "$install_bitcoin_option" "$exit_option"
bitcoin_service_option="Start Bitcoin Service%sudo systemctl start bitcoin"
menu "$title" "$set_config" "$change_directory" "$clear_cache" "$repair_permissions" "$service_status_option" "$bitcoin_service_option" "$install_service_option" "$install_bitcoin_option" "$exit_option"
script_dir=$(cd -P -- "$(dirname -- "$0")" && pwd -P)
install_service_option="Install Bitcoin Service%install-service-template $script_dir/bitcoin.service \"BITCOIND=`which bitcoind`\""
menu "$title" "$set_config" "$change_directory" "$clear_cache" "$repair_permissions" "$install_service_option" "$install_bitcoin_option" "$exit_option"
install_bitcoin_option="Install Bitcoin%install-bitcoin"
menu "$title" "$install_bitcoin_option" "$exit_option"
# Catch Ctrl-C and exit
trap 'echo exiting; exit' INT
# Main execution loop
while true; do