ao-mud is a spellbook of well-commented atomic bash scripts that each do one thing. we are building semantic building blocks for an autonomously-evolving digital spellcasting language.

51 lines
1.4 KiB

# current_input_lines: a cantrip to count the number of lines used by the user's
# current input in the terminal, taking into account wrapped lines and the length
# of the terminal prompt.
# Cast this spell to measure the number of lines taken up vertically by the user's
# current input in the terminal, even if the input is wrapped to multiple lines or
# the terminal prompt is longer than usual.
# Usage:
# current_input_lines
# Returns:
# The number of lines used by the user's current input.
current_input_lines() {
# Save the current cursor position
printf '\033[s'
# Measure the width of the terminal
terminal_width=$(fathom-terminal -w)
# Measure the length of the terminal prompt
prompt_length=$(echo -n "$PS1" | wc -c)
# Calculate the number of columns available for the user's input
available_columns=$(( terminal_width - prompt_length ))
# Calculate the number of lines used by the user's input
lines=$(( terminal_width / available_columns ))
# If the input does not fit evenly into the available columns, add an extra line
if [ "$(( terminal_width % available_columns ))" -ne 0 ]; then
lines=$(( lines + 1 ))
# Restore the cursor position
printf '\033[u'
echo "$lines"
# Check if the script is being executed or sourced
if [ "$0" = "$BASH_SOURCE" ]; then
# Script is being executed
# Call the current_input_lines function