ao-mud is a spellbook of well-commented atomic bash scripts that each do one thing. we are building semantic building blocks for an autonomously-evolving digital spellcasting language.

85 lines
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# This 'jump' spell teleports you to the location marked by the 'mark-location' spell.
# If no location has been marked, or if you are already at the marked location, the spell will fizzle.
# Because the script uses 'cd' to change your location, you must source it. This can be accomplished with "source ./jump-to-marker".
# Having to source the script explicitly can be avoided if the spell is 'memorized' (sourced in .bashrc).
# The spell will offer to do this, installing 'jump' as a systemwide keyword for you.
# todo: you can automatically source with 'exec bash'. this could simplify this script a lot
# Check if the "jump" spell is already installed
if ! grep -q "jump" ~/.bashrc; then
printf "You have not yet memorized the 'jump-to-marker' spell, so you can't cast it anywhere. This spell is so powerful that it must be memorized (sourced in .bashrc) to use it as a normal command. Memorize the 'jump' spell now? (y/n) "
read -r REPLY
if [ "$REPLY" = "y" ] || [ "$REPLY" = "Y" ]; then
# Install the "jump" spell in the user's bashrc file
SCRIPT_DIR=$(dirname "$(realpath "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}")")
printf "source $SCRIPT_DIR/jump-to-marker\n" >> ~/.bashrc
printf "The 'jump' spell has been memorized. Use the 'spellbook' command to forget memorized spells. You must open a new terminal or 'source ~/.bashrc' before using 'jump'.\n"
# 'jump' spell function (will be loaded when this file is sourced by .bashrc)
jump() {
# Set the path to the marker file
# Check if the marker file exists
if [ -e "$marker_file" ]; then
# If the marker file exists, read the destination path from the file
destination="$(cat "$marker_file")"
# Check if the current directory is already the destination
if [ "$(pwd)" == "$destination" ]; then
# If the current directory is already the destination, inform the user
echo "You are already at the marked location."
# If the current directory is not the destination, change the current directory to the destination
cd "$destination"
# Print a random teleportation message
messages=("You feel a sudden warmth as you are enveloped in a glowing aura. When it fades, you find yourself at your destination."
"A strange sensation comes over you as you close your eyes. When you open them again, you are standing at your destination."
"You focus your mind on the marked location and feel yourself being pulled through the fabric of space. You open your eyes to find yourself at your destination."
"You feel a jolt as you are momentarily suspended in midair. When you land, you find yourself at your destination."
"You close your eyes and take a deep breath. When you open them, you are standing at your destination."
"A swirling vortex appears before you. You take a step forward and find yourself at your destination."
"You feel a tug on your stomach as you are suddenly pulled through a tunnel of light. When you emerge, you are at your destination."
"You hold out your hand and a bright portal appears. You step through and find yourself at your destination."
"You feel a rush of wind as you are teleported to your destination."
"You hear a faint ringing in your ears as you are transported to your destination."
"You close your eyes and visualize your destination. When you open them, you are standing there."
"You step into a glowing portal and are immediately transported to your destination."
"You feel a tug on your ankle as you are pulled through a wormhole. When you emerge, you are at your destination."
"You hear a faint hum as you are enveloped in a field of energy. When it dissipates, you are at your destination."
"You feel a sudden pressure on your chest as you are teleported to your destination."
"You feel a surge of magical energy as you are transported through the veil of reality."
"A glowing portal opens before you, and you step through it to your destination."
"A shimmering aura envelops you, and when it fades, you find yourself at the marked location."
"You close your eyes and focus, and when you open them again, you are standing at the marked location."
"A burst of light and sound surrounds you, and when it subsides, you are at the marked location."
"You feel a tug on your soul, and when it releases, you are standing at the marked location."
"You focus your magical energy and teleport to the marked location."
"A warp in the fabric of reality opens up, and you step through it to the marked location."
"You feel a sudden jolt, and when you regain your bearings, you are at the marked location."
"You close your eyes and visualize the marked location, and when you open them, you are there."
"You call upon the power of the elements to transport you to the marked location."
"You channel the energy of the celestial bodies to jump to the marked location."
"You recite an ancient incantation, and a magical portal appears, taking you to the marked location.")
echo "${messages[$RANDOM % ${#messages[@]}]}"
# Look around, since the modified 'cd' command won't be available in this subshell context
# If the marker file does not exist, inform the user that no location has been marked
echo "No location has been marked. Use the 'mark-location' spell to mark a location before using the 'jump' spell."
# If this script is no being called from within another script, call the main function and forward it our args (if sourced, it loads the function without running it)
if [[ "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" == "$0" ]]; then
jump "$@"