
# This "disenchant" script allows you to remove an extended attribute from a file.
# To use this script, pass the file and the key name as arguments. If no key name is specified, the script will provide
# a menu of the extended attribute keys on the file and allow you to select one with the arrow keys to delete.
# The menu is only displayed if there are at least two extended attributes (not counting the '# file:' line).
# If only one extended attribute is found, the script will delete that attribute without displaying the menu.

# Disenchant a single attribute from a file
disenchant_one() {
  if command -v xattr > /dev/null 2>&1; then
    # xattr is available, use it
    xattr -d "$key" "$file"
  elif command -v attr > /dev/null 2>&1; then
    # attr is available, use it
    attr -r "$key" "$file"
  elif command -v setfattr > /dev/null 2>&1; then
    # setfattr is available, use it
    setfattr -x "$key" "$file"
    # xattr, attr, and setfattr are not available
    echo "Error: xattr, attr, and setfattr are not available on this system."
    exit 1
  echo "Disenchanted $key attribute from $file."

# Check if a file was given as an argument
if [ -z "$1" ]; then
  # If no file was given, print an error message and exit
  echo "Error: No file specified. Usage: disenchant file [key]"
  exit 1

# Read the extended attribute keys from the file
keys=$(read-magic "$1")
# Extract the attribute keys from the output of read-magic
keys=$(echo "$keys" | awk -F: '{print $1}' | tr -d ' ')

# Check if a key name was given as an argument
if [ -z "$2" ]; then
  # If no key name was given, check if there are at least two extended attributes
  if [ $(echo "$keys" | wc -l) -lt 2 ]; then
    # If there is only one extended attribute, delete it
    key=$(echo "$keys")
    disenchant_one "$key" "$1"
    # If there are at least two extended attributes, provide a menu of the keys and select one with the arrow keys
    keys="$keys disenchant-all"
    times=$(($(echo "$keys" | wc -l) + 1))
    desc="# disenchant this"
    for ((i = 1; i <= $times; i++)); do
    echo "${descriptions[@]}"
    menu "Choose which attribute to disenchant:" "$keys" $descriptions "menu_choice" # todo / problem: $descriptions needs to be a string but then it's only space-delimited so many commands cant work. solution is to refactor the menu script, splitting it up into many small and complete semantic scripts, and building a better more holistic and composed menu with lots of better building blocks. or using bmenu.
    echo $menu_choice 
    if [ -n "$key" ]; then
      if [ "$key" = "disenchant all" ]; then
        # Disenchant all extended attributes
        for key in $keys; do
          disenchant_one "$key" "$1"
        echo "Disenchanted all attributes from $1."
        # Disenchant the selected attribute
        echo KEY $key
        echo FILE $1
        disenchant_one "$key" "$1"
      # If no key was selected, print an error message and exit
      echo "Error: No key selected."
      exit 1
  # If a key name was given, use it as the key
  # Disenchant the selected attribute
  disenchant_one "$key" "$1"