#!/usr/bin/env bash

# Functions unit tests, to test assertions. The point of an assertion is to crash if it isn't true.
# Usage:
# 	assert_equal $value1 $value2
#		assert_output "./scriptname" "expected output"
# 	assert_success $(command)
#		assert_failure "./scriptname"

# Helper function to compare two values
assert_equal() {
	if [ "$1" != "$2" ]; then
  	echo "Assertion failed: $1 != $2"
		exit 1

# Helper function to compare the output of a given command to an expected value
assert_output() {
    local command=$1
    local expected_output=$2
  echo com $command
  echo exp $expected_output
  echo out $($command)
    if [ "$($command)" != "$expected_output" ]; then
        echo "Test failed: $command"
        exit 1

# Helper function to run a command and check for a non-zero exit status
assert_success() {
    local command=$1

    if ! $command; then
        echo "Test failed: $command"
        exit 1

# Helper function to run a command and check for a zero exit status
assert_failure() {
    local command=$1

    if $command; then
        echo "Test failed: $command"
        exit 1