#!/usr/bin/env sh

# This magical spell captures and processes key presses.
# Use it to capture key presses from the terminal and determine which key was pressed.
# todo: Tab key not distinguished from Enter (\t case does not work) 

# Define the function to handle key presses
await_keypress() {
  # Read a single character from the terminal
  read -s -n1 key

  # Check the value of the key
  case "$key" in
    # Enter key
    	echo "tab"
    	echo "enter"
    '') # also fires for Tab key
      echo "enter"
    	echo "backspace"
    	echo "backspace"
    # Escape sequence, could be any number of keys depending on next character
    	read -rsn2 -t 0.1 key
		  case "$key" in
		  		echo 'escape'
				# Up arrow key
					echo "up"
				# Down arrow key
					echo "down"
				# Right arrow key
					echo "right"
				# Left arrow key
					echo "left"
					echo "delete"
					echo "escaped key: $key"
    # Any other key
      echo "$key"
      # od -c <<< $key # debug

# Check if the script is being executed or sourced, if executed then call the function
if [[ "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" == "${0}" ]]; then