
# bg_log: a script to output a message from a background process, while taking
# into account the user's current input and preserving it.
# Cast this spell to send a message from a background process to the terminal,
# without interrupting or overwriting the user's input.

# todo: refactor this to use the cursor file

bg_log() {
  # Save the current cursor position
  printf '\033[s'

  # Calculate the number of lines used by the user's input

  # Move the cursor up the number of lines used by the user's input
  printf '\033[%dA' "$lines"

  # Clear the current line
  printf '\033[2K'

  # Output the message
  printf '%s\n' "$@"

  # Clear the current line
  printf '\033[2K'

  # Move the cursor down the number of lines used by the user's input
  printf '\033[%dB' "$lines"

  # Restore the cursor position
  printf '\033[u'

# Check if the script is being executed or sourced
if [ "$0" = "$BASH_SOURCE" ]; then
  # Script is being executed, call the bg_log function to output a message
  bg_log $1