An interactive command-line interface (CLI) tool to help you install, use, and administer an AO instance.

134 lines
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// ao-cli includes an AO client that makes calls to a locla or remote AO server.
// The ao-cli client has no store so it makes frequent (hopefully very quick) calls to get exactly the information it needs.
// This requires us to make sure the AO API server's REST API is concise and efficient.
// The only places ao-cli should call out to an AO server (i.e., use the API in api.js) are in this Use AO menu and in the Tests menu.
import inquirer from 'inquirer'
import { aoEnv } from './settings.js'
import { isLoggedIn, loginPrompt, logout } from './session.js'
import { getTopPriorityText } from './priority.js'
import { startPublicBootstrap } from './bootstrap.js'
import { AO_DEFAULT_HOSTNAME } from './api.js'
import { cardMenu } from './cards.js'
import { connectMenu } from './connect.js'
import { headerStyle } from './styles.js'
// Prints the Use AO Menu and executes the user's choice. Using the AO as a client occurs only under this menu item (except Tests menu).
export default async function useAoMenu() {
const loggedIn = isLoggedIn()
if(loggedIn) {
console.log('Logged in as:', aoEnv('AO_CLI_SESSION_USERNAME'))
const topPriority = await getTopPriorityText()
if(topPriority) {
console.log('Top priority:', topPriority)
} else {
console.log('Error contacting server, is your AO server running? AO features might not work.')
let aoMenuChoices = []
if(loggedIn) {
loggedIn ? 'Log Out' : 'Log In',
'Back to Main Menu'
let answer
try {
answer = await inquirer.prompt({
name: 'ao_menu',
type: 'list',
message: 'Please choose:',
choices: aoMenuChoices,
pageSize: aoMenuChoices.length
} catch(error) {
if (error === 'EVENT_INTERRUPTED') {
return false
switch(answer.ao_menu) {
case 'Deck':
//await todoList('My Todo List', ['Add full AO install process to ao-cli in convenient format', 'Add AO server unit tests to ao-cli', 'Get groceries', 'Play music every day'])
while(await cardMenu()) {}
case 'Connect':
while(await connectMenu()) {}
case 'Chat':
while(await chatMenu()) {}
case 'Log In':
console.log('\nao-cli will use the AO API to log into the AO server at', (aoEnv('AO_CLI_TARGET_HOSTNAME') || AO_DEFAULT_HOSTNAME) + '.')
await loginPrompt()
case 'Log Out':
await logout()
//await spinnerWait('Logging out...')
case 'Back to Main Menu':
return false
return true
// Prints a menu that allows you to join the global AO chatrooms
async function chatMenu() {
let answers = {}
// They previously enabled public bootstrapping, so check to make sure it is working and then hide the option
// todo: start and then verify functioning of p2p boostrap method here
// if it's already started don't start it again
//if(!publicBootstrapStarted) {
console.log("\nBootstrapping public AO swarm...")
console.log("Bootstrapped (just kidding)")
//answers['chat_menu'] = 'Enable p2p bootstrap'
const chatChoices = [
{ name: 'Join public chatroom', value: 'browse_chatrooms', short: 'public chatrooms' },
{ name: 'Join chatroom', value: 'join_chat', short: 'join chat' },
'Address Book',
'Back to AO Menu',
console.log(`\n${headerStyle('AO Public Chatrooms')}\n`)
let answer
try {
answer = await inquirer.prompt({
name: 'chat_menu',
type: 'list',
message: 'Please choose:',
choices: chatChoices
} catch(error) {
if (error === 'EVENT_INTERRUPTED') {
return false
switch(answer.chat_menu) {
case 'browse_chatrooms':
console.log('Not yet implemented')
case 'join_chat':
console.log('Not yet implemented')
case 'Address Book':
console.log('The point of this address book is to make it possible to type short, one-word names and have them resolve to tor addresses.')
console.log('Name a piece of data by saying name=data. For example, doge=5uc41o1...onion. Then \'doge\' will return the .onion address.')
console.log('Querying with any synonym in a chain will return the final meanings they all point to.')
console.log('Keys can have multiple values.')
case 'Back to AO Menu':
return false
return true