#!/usr/bin/env sh # This is the initialization script for Alchemy. # We can't rely on all systems being able to use 'make' etc. by default. # This will ensure that everything is set up as needed. # Bare Metal Alchemist, 2022 # Just to let the system know what we're doing... ALCHEMY="initializing" # 'sourcing' a script is essentially running it to set up your system, # making sure that some basic values / variables are defined source ingredients/lead clear echo -e "${BLUE}" echo -e " d8888 888 888 " echo -e " d88888 888 888 " echo -e " d88P888 888 888 " echo -e " d88P 888 888 .d8888b 88888b. .d88b. 88888b.d88b. 888 888" echo -e " d88P 888 888 d88P' 888 '88b d8P Y8b 888 '888 '88b 888 888" echo -e " d88P 888 888 888 888 888 88888888 888 888 888 888 888" echo -e " d8888888888 888 Y88b. 888 888 Y8b. 888 888 888 Y88b 888" echo -e "d88P 888 888 'Y8888P 888 888 'Y8888 888 888 888 'Y88888" echo -e " 888" echo -e " ${BOLD}Initialization Script -- BMA${BLUE} Y8b d88P" echo -e "${RESET}" echo -e "${GREEN}${ULINE}Environment${RESET}" if [ -f .env ]; then grep -v '^#' .env export $(grep -v '^#' .env | xargs) else echo "No .env file found, let's initialize it" echo "ALCHEMY=`pwd`" >> .env fi echo "" echo -e "${GREEN}${ULINE}System Basics${RESET}" if [[ $ISA && $DISTRO && $UPDATED ]]; then echo "Nothing to do!" fi if [[ ! $ISA ]]; then ISA=$(uname -m) if [ $ISA == 'x86_64' ]; then echo -e "Ayyy you got yourself an ${GREEN}x86${RESET} processor, cool" elif [ $ISA == 'armv7l' ]; then echo -e "I see you rockin an ${GREEN}ARM${RESET} processor, neato" fi remember "ISA=$ISA" fi if [[ ! $DISTRO ]]; then if [ -f "/etc/debian_version" ]; then DISTRO="debian" echo -e "${GREEN}Debian${RESET}, Ubuntu, or Raspbian OS detected." elif [ -f "/etc/arch-release" ]; then DISTRO="arch" echo -e "${GREEN}Arch or Manjaro-based${RESET} OS detected." elif [ -f "/etc/fedora-release" ]; then DISTRO="fedora" echo -e "${GREEN}Fedora${RESET} detected as the Operating System" elif [ $(uname | grep -c "Darwin") -eq 1 ]; then DISTRO="mac" echo -e "${GREEN}MacOS${RESET} detected." else echo -e "I don't know ${RED}what OS you're running${RESET}! Cancelling this operation." exit 1 fi remember "DISTRO=$DISTRO" fi # TODO - Update intermittently (like if you haven't run it in a week? use date +%s and (($INT+$INT2)) if [[ ! $UPDATED ]]; then echo "" echo "Updating the repositories..." echo -e "(you'll probably need to input ${BLUE}your 'sudo' password${RESET} here)" case $DISTRO in "debian") sudo apt update sudo apt autoremove sudo apt upgrade sudo apt install build-essential ;; "arch") sudo pacman -Syu --noconfirm sudo pacman -S base-devel --noconfirm ;; "fedora") sudo dnf update sudo dnf upgrade ;; "mac") install sudo brew update ;; esac remember "UPDATED=true" fi echo "" echo -e "${GREEN}${ULINE}Core Dependencies${RESET}" install_if_needed git wget make echo "" echo -e "${BOLD}You're good to go!${RESET} Go ${BLUE}make something cool${RESET} :)"