You can not select more than 25 topics
Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
1128 lines
29 KiB
1128 lines
29 KiB
3 years ago
import request from 'superagent'
import { v1 as uuidV1 } from 'uuid'
import { io } from ''
import { createHash, hmacHex } from './crypto.js'
import { isObject } from './util.js'
import { aoEnv } from './settings.js'
// The AO API server endpoint this ao-cli client will attempt to connect to
export const AO_DEFAULT_HOSTNAME = 'localhost:8003'
const [HOST, PORT] = HOSTNAME.split(':')
// The AO API server websocket endpoint this ao-cli client will attempt to connect to
const AO_SOCKET_URL = 'http://' + AO_DEFAULT_HOSTNAME // was process.env.NODE_ENV === 'development' ? 'http://' + AO_DEFAULT_HOSTNAME : '/'
export const socket = io(AO_SOCKET_URL, {
autoConnect: false
// The current connected state of the websocket, can be 'attemptingAuthentication' | 'authenticationSuccess' | 'authenticationFailed'
export let socketStatus
// Load the current session cookies from the AO .env file
let currentMemberId = aoEnv('AO_CLI_SESSION_MEMBERID')
let currentSessionId = aoEnv('AO_CLI_SESSION_ID')
let currentSessionToken = aoEnv('AO_CLI_SESSION_TOKEN')
// Performs a GET request to the specified endpoint, sending the given payload
export async function getRequest(endpoint, payload = null, alternateHost = null, verbose = true) {
const target = alternateHost || HOSTNAME
try {
if(payload) {
return await request
.get(target + endpoint)
} else {
return await request.get(target + endpoint)
} catch (err) {
if(verbose) console.log('request failed', err)
return null
// Performs a POST request to the specified endpoint, sending the given payload
export async function postRequest(endpoint, payload = null, verbose = true) {
if (!currentSessionToken) {
if(verbose) console.log('Session token not set, API not ready.')
return new Promise(() => null)
try {
if(payload) {
return await request
.post(HOSTNAME + endpoint)
.set('authorization', currentSessionToken)
.set('session', currentSessionId)
} else {
return await + endpoint)
.set('authorization', currentSessionToken)
.set('session', currentSessionId)
} catch (err) {
if(verbose) console.log('request failed', err)
return null
// Performs a post request to the /event endpoint, sending the given JSON object as the event
export async function postEvent(event, verbose) {
return await postRequest('/events', event, verbose)
// Attempts login with the given username and password combo. If successful, returns the generated session and token (login cookies).
export async function createSession(user, pass) {
const session = uuidV1()
let sessionKey = createHash(session + createHash(pass))
const token = hmacHex(session, sessionKey)
const result = await request
.post(HOSTNAME + '/session')
.set('authorization', token)
.set('session', session)
.set('name', user)
.on('error', () => false)
currentMemberId = result.body.memberId
currentSessionToken = token
currentSessionId = session
return { session, token, memberId: currentMemberId }
export async function logout() {
return await postRequest('/logout')
// AO p2p over tor features
export async function nameAo(newName) {
return await postEvent({
type: 'ao-named',
alias: newName
// When you call startSocketListeners, it will either attempt to connect and authenticate on a web socket, or fail and return.
// onAuthenticated is a function that will be called when the client authenticates on the web socket (logs in/connects).
// In your onAuthenticated function, you should trigger fetchState or other initial fetching of state from server.
// eventCallback is a function (ev) => {} that will be called whenever an event is received on the socket.
// In this way, initial state can be fetched and then updates received after that can be used to update the local state model.
export async function startSocketListeners(onAuthenticated, onEvent, verbose = true) {
if(typeof onAuthenticated !== 'function' || typeof onEvent !== 'function') {
console.log('startSocketListeners requires two callback functions as arguments.')
socket.on('connect', () => {
if(verbose) console.log('websocket connected')
socketStatus = 'attemptingAuthentication'
if(!currentSessionId || !currentSessionToken) {
if(verbose) console.log('No current session, must log in to authenticate and use socket.')
socket.emit('authentication', {
session: currentSessionId,
token: currentSessionToken,
socket.on('authenticated', () => {
if(verbose) console.log('websocket authenticated')
socketStatus = 'authenticationSuccess'
socket.on('eventstream', onEvent)
socket.on('disconnect', reason => {
if(verbose) console.log('websocket disconnected')
socketStatus = 'authenticationFailed'
// Requests the public bootstrap list by making a public (not logged in) GET request to this or the specified server
export async function getAoBootstrapList(serverOnion = null) {
const result = await getRequest('/bootstrap', undefined, serverOnion, false)
if(!result || !result.ok || result.body.addresses.length < 1) {
return null
return result.body.addresses
// Gets the bootsrap list from the specified or our server, then recursively bootstraps from each address on the list
// The AO network is small right now so this shouldn't cause any problems for a while
export async function bootstrap(serverOnion = null) {
if(!serverOnion) serverOnion = HOSTNAME
let alreadyQueried = [ serverOnion ]
let onionList = await getAoBootstrapList(serverOnion)
if(!onionList) {
return null
for(let i = 0; i < onionList.length; i++) {
const onion = onionList[i]
let more = await bootstrap(onion)
if(!more) continue
more = more.filter(onion => !onionList.concat(alreadyQueried).includes(onion))
return onionList
export async function shadowchat(room, message, username) {
return await postEvent({
type: 'shadowchat',
room: room,
name: username,
message: message,
export async function connectToAo(address, secret) {
return await postEvent({
type: 'ao-outbound-connected',
address: address,
secret: secret
export async function deleteAoConnection(address) {
return await postEvent({
type: 'ao-disconnected',
address: address
export async function relayEventToOtherAo(address, event) {
return await postEvent({
type: 'ao-relay',
address: address,
ev: event
export async function linkCardOnAo(taskId, address) {
return await postEvent({
type: 'ao-linked',
address: address,
taskId: taskId
// Avatar and presence features
export async function bark() {
return await postEvent({
type: 'doge-barked',
memberId: currentMemberId
export async function hopped(taskId) {
return await postEvent({
type: 'doge-hopped',
memberId: currentMemberId,
taskId: taskId
export async function mute() {
return await updateMemberField('muted', true)
export async function unmute() {
return await updateMemberField('muted', false)
// Memes feature
export async function fetchMeme(memeHash, progressCallback) {
return request
.get(HOSTNAME + '/meme/' + memeHash)
.set('Authorization', currentSessionToken)
.on('progress', function (e) {
.then(res => {
console.log('got meme! res is ', res)
return res.body
export async function downloadMeme(memeHash) {
return request
.get(HOSTNAME + '/download/' + memeHash)
.set('Authorization', currentSessionToken)
.then(res => {
// console.log('got meme! res is ', res)
return res
export async function uploadMemes(formData, progressCallback) {
return postRequest('/upload', formData)
.on('progress', function (e) {
console.log('Percentage done: ', e)
if (e && e.hasOwnProperty('percent') && e.percent >= 0) {
.on('error', err => {
console.log('Upload failed with error:', err)
return false
.then(res => {
console.log('sent files. res is', res)
return res
export async function cacheMeme(taskId) {
return await postEvent({
type: 'meme-cached',
// Cards feature
// Returns the card and other cards as specified by the alsoGetRelevant arg
// If multiple cards are returned, they will be returned in their global deck order (global creation order on server)
export async function getCard(taskId, alsoGetRelevant = 'subcards') {
taskId = taskId.trim().toLowerCase()
let payload = { taskId: taskId }
const result = await postRequest('/fetchTaskByID', payload, false) // todo: change to flat text, not JSON (?)
if(!result || !result.body) {
//console.log('Error fetching task.')
return null
if(alsoGetRelevant) {
let relevantCards = await getAllRelevantCards(result.body, alsoGetRelevant)
return [result.body, ...relevantCards]
return [result.body]
// Cards feature
export async function getCardByName(taskName, alsoGetRelevant = 'subcards') {
taskName = taskName.trim()
let payload = { taskName: taskName }
const result = await postRequest('/fetchTaskByName_exact', payload, false) // todo: change to flat text, not JSON (?)
if(!result || !result.body || result.statusCode === 204 || result.statusCode === 400) {
//console.log('Error fetching task.')
return null
if(alsoGetRelevant) {
let relevantCards = await getAllRelevantCards(result.body, alsoGetRelevant)
return [result.body, ...relevantCards]
return [result.body]
// Fetches all cards related to the given card object, i.e., cards that could be seen or navigated to immediately from that card
// scope = 'priority' returns only the first/top priority card within the specified card
// scope = 'priorities' returns only the priorities within the specified card
// scope = 'subcards' returns all subcards (priorities, pinned, subTasks, completed)
// Further scopes are not currently needed because the server also includes some related cards with each send
// If existingTasks: Map<string, Task> is provided, those cards will be skipped
// Returns the new cards that were fetched (not any existingTasks), plus cards the server chooses to also include
export async function getAllRelevantCards(
scope = 'priorities',
) {
if(existingTasks === undefined) {
existingTasks = new Map()
let taskIdsToFetch
// Choose which taskIds we are going to request from the server
switch (scope) {
case 'priority':
taskIdsToFetch = new Set([])
case 'priorities':
taskIdsToFetch = new Set(seedTask.priorities)
case 'subcards':
taskIdsToFetch = new Set(
seedTask.priorities.concat(seedTask.subTasks, seedTask.completed)
if (seedTask.pins && seedTask.pins.length >= 1) {
seedTask.pins.forEach(pin => {
// Filter out the taskIds for tasks we already have
taskIdsToFetch = [...taskIdsToFetch].filter(taskId => {
if (!taskId) {
return false
const existingTask = existingTasks.get(taskId)
return !existingTask
if(taskIdsToFetch.length < 1) {
return []
// Fetch the cards
try {
const result = await postRequest('/fetchTasks', { taskIds: taskIdsToFetch })
// Filter again (overlapping queries or intelligent server can cause duplicates to be returned)
const newTasksOnly = result.body.filter(
fetchedTask => !existingTasks.get(fetchedTask.taskId)
return newTasksOnly
} catch (error) {
console.log('Error fetching relevant tasks:', { taskIdsToFetch, error })
return null
export async function createCard(
anonymous = false,
prioritized = false
) {
return await postEvent({
type: 'task-created',
name: name,
color: 'blue',
deck: (anonymous || !currentMemberId) ? [] : [currentMemberId],
inId: anonymous ? null : currentMemberId || null,
prioritized: prioritized,
}, false)
// This is different from only setting a card property because when a card's color changes, it is bumped to the top of the .subTasks color pile
export async function colorCard(taskId, color) {
return await postEvent({
type: 'task-colored',
taskId: taskId,
color: color,
inId: null, // add this when we have context, mutation works on server
blame: currentMemberId
// Set arbitrary metadata on a card
export async function setCardProperty(taskId, property, value) {
return await postEvent({
type: 'task-property-set',
taskId: taskId,
property: property,
value: value,
blame: currentMemberId
// Card send feature
export async function passCard(taskId, toMemberId) {
return await postEvent({
type: 'task-passed',
taskId: taskId,
toMemberId: toMemberId,
fromMemberId: currentMemberId
// Send an immediate bark and notification to the member if possible, reminding them that they have an unread message from you (no automated pings)
export async function remindMember(memberId) {
return await postEvent({
type: 'member-reminded',
toMemberId: memberId,
fromMemberId: currentMemberId
// Cards-in-cards feature
export async function playCard(from = null, to) {
return await postEvent({
type: 'task-played',
from: from,
to: to,
memberId: currentMemberId
export async function discardCardFromCard(taskId, inId) {
return await postEvent({
type: 'task-de-sub-tasked',
taskId: inId,
subTask: taskId,
blame: currentMemberId
// Empties a card's priorities and subtasks
export async function emptyCard(taskId) {
return await postEvent({
type: 'task-emptied',
taskId: taskId,
blame: currentMemberId
export async function swapCard(inId, taskId1, taskId2) {
return await postEvent({
type: 'task-swapped',
taskId: inId,
swapId1: taskId1,
swapId2: taskId2,
blame: currentMemberId
export async function bumpCard(taskId, inId, direction) {
return await postEvent({
type: 'task-bumped',
taskId: inId,
bumpId: taskId,
direction: direction,
blame: currentMemberId
// Deck features
export async function grabCard(taskId) {
return await postEvent({
type: 'task-grabbed',
taskId: taskId,
memberId: currentMemberId
export async function grabPile(taskId) {
return await postEvent({
type: 'pile-grabbed',
taskId: taskId,
memberId: currentMemberId
export async function dropCard(taskId) {
return await postEvent({
type: 'task-dropped',
taskId: taskId,
memberId: currentMemberId
export async function removeCards(taskIds) {
return await postEvent({
type: 'tasks-removed',
taskIds: taskIds,
memberId: currentMemberId
export async function dropPile(taskId) {
return await postEvent({
type: 'pile-dropped',
taskId: taskId,
memberId: currentMemberId
// Priority feature
export async function prioritizeCard(taskId, inId, position = 0, echelon = null) {
return await postEvent({
type: 'task-prioritized',
taskId: taskId,
inId: inId,
position: position,
...(echelon && { echelon: echelon }),
blame: currentMemberId
export async function prioritizePile(inId) {
return await postEvent({
type: 'task-prioritized',
inId: inId
export async function refocusCard(taskId, inId) {
return await postEvent({
type: 'task-refocused',
taskId: taskId,
inId: inId,
blame: currentMemberId
export async function refocusPile(inId) {
return await postEvent({
type: 'pile-refocused',
inId: inId
export async function allocatePriority(inId, taskId, points = 1) {
return await postEvent({
type: 'task-allocated',
taskId: inId,
allocatedId: taskId,
amount: points,
blame: currentMemberId
//inId: inId,
// Guilds feature
export async function tagCard(taskId, newTitle) {
return await postEvent({
type: 'task-guilded',
taskId: taskId,
guild: newTitle,
blame: currentMemberId
export async function getCardsForTag(tag) {
return (await postRequest('/fetchTasksByGuild', { guild: tag }))
// Checkmarks feature
export async function completeCard(taskId) {
return await postEvent({
type: 'task-claimed',
taskId: taskId,
memberId: currentMemberId
export async function uncheckCard(taskId) {
return await postEvent({
type: 'task-unclaimed',
taskId: taskId,
memberId: currentMemberId
export async function setClaimInterval(taskId, newClaimInterval) {
return await setCardProperty(taskId, claimInterval, newClaimInterval)
// Hardware resources feature
export async function createResource(
) {
return await postEvent({
type: 'resource-created',
resourceId: resourceId,
name: name,
charged: charged,
secret: secret,
trackStock: trackStock,
blame: currentMemberId
export async function useResource(resourceId, amount, charged, notes = '') {
return await postEvent({
type: 'resource-used',
resourceId: resourceId,
memberId: currentMemberId,
amount: amount,
charged: charged,
notes: notes
export async function stockResource(resourceId, amount, paid, notes = '') {
return await postEvent({
type: 'resource-stocked',
resourceId: resourceId,
memberId: currentMemberId,
amount: amount,
paid: paid,
notes: notes
export async function purgeResource(resourceId) {
return await postEvent({
type: 'resource-purged',
resourceId: resourceId,
blame: currentMemberId
export async function bookResource(taskId, startTime, endTime) {
return await postEvent({
type: 'resource-booked',
resourceId: taskId,
memberId: currentMemberId,
startTs: startTime,
endTs: endTime
// Member account features
export async function updateMemberField(field, newValue) {
if (field === 'secret') {
newValue = createHash(newValue)
return await postEvent({
type: 'member-field-updated',
memberId: currentMemberId,
field: field,
newfield: newValue
// Member admin features
export async function createMember(name, fob = '') {
const secret = createHash(name)
return await postEvent({
type: 'member-created',
export async function activateMember(memberId) {
return await postEvent({
type: 'member-activated',
memberId: memberId
export async function deactivateMember(memberId) {
return await postEvent({
type: 'member-deactivated',
memberId: memberId
// senpai function
export async function resetPassword(memberId) {
return await postEvent({
type: 'member-secret-reset',
kohaiId: memberId,
senpaiId: currentMemberId
// senpai function
export async function promoteMember(memberId) {
return await postEvent({
type: 'member-promoted',
kohaiId: memberId,
senpaiId: currentMemberId
// senpai function
export async function banMember(memberId) {
return await postEvent({
type: 'member-banned',
kohaiId: memberId,
senpaiId: currentMemberId
// senpai function
export async function unbanMember(memberId) {
return await postEvent({
type: 'member-unbanned',
kohaiId: memberId,
senpaiId: currentMemberId
// senpai function
export async function purgeMember(memberId) {
return await postEvent({
type: 'member-purged',
memberId: memberId,
blame: currentMemberId
// Each member has a list of tickers. Each ticker is a string.
// Sets the ticker at position tickerListIndex to symbol coinSymbol.
export async function setTicker(fromCoin, toCoin, tickerListIndex) {
return await postEvent({
type: 'member-ticker-set',
memberId: currentMemberId,
fromCoin: fromCoin,
toCoin: toCoin,
index: tickerListIndex
// Timeclock features
export async function clockTime(seconds, taskId, date) {
return await postEvent({
type: 'task-time-clocked',
taskId: taskId,
memberId: currentMemberId,
seconds: seconds,
date: date
export async function startTimeClock(taskId, inId) {
return await postEvent({
type: 'task-started',
taskId: taskId,
inId: inId,
memberId: currentMemberId
export async function stopTimeClock(taskId) {
return await postEvent({
type: 'task-stopped',
taskId: taskId,
memberId: currentMemberId
// Group membership features
export async function assignMembership(taskId, memberId, level) {
return await postEvent({
type: 'task-membership',
taskId: taskId,
memberId: memberId,
level: level,
blame: currentMemberId
export async function stashCard(taskId, inId, level) {
return await postEvent({
type: 'task-stashed',
taskId: taskId,
inId: inId,
level: level,
blame: currentMemberId
export async function unstashCard(taskId, inId, level) {
return await postEvent({
type: 'task-unstashed',
taskId: taskId,
inId: inId,
level: level,
blame: currentMemberId
// Unreads feature
export async function visitCard(taskId, inChat = false, notify = false) {
return await postEvent({
type: 'task-visited',
taskId: taskId,
memberId: currentMemberId,
area: inChat ? 1 : 0,
notify: notify
export async function markSeen(taskId) {
const task = aoStore.hashMap.get(taskId)
const act = {
type: 'task-seen',
taskId: taskId,
memberId: currentMemberId,
// console.log('card marked seen')
return await postEvent(act)
// Pinboard feature
export async function resizeGrid(taskId, newHeight, newWidth, newSize) {
return await postEvent({
type: 'grid-resized',
taskId: taskId,
height: newHeight,
width: newWidth,
size: newSize || 9
export async function createCardWithGrid(name, height, width) {
return await postEvent({
type: 'grid-created',
name: name,
height: height,
width: width,
color: 'blue',
deck: [currentMemberId]
export async function addGridToCard(taskId, height, width, spread = 'pyramid') {
return await postEvent({
type: 'grid-added',
taskId: taskId,
spread: spread,
height: height,
width: width
export async function removeGridFromCard(taskId) {
return await postEvent({
type: 'grid-removed',
taskId: taskId
// This function encodes whatever is passed by the search box as a URIComponent and passes it to a search endpoint, returning the response when supplied
export async function search(querystring, take = 10, skip = 0) {
const qs = encodeURIComponent(querystring)
const params = `?take=${take}&skip=${skip}`
return await postRequest('/search/' + qs + params)
export async function requestBtcQr(taskId) {
return await postEvent({
type: 'address-updated',
export async function requestLightningInvoice(taskId, amount = 0) {
return await postEvent({
type: 'invoice-created',
amount: amount
// Proposals features
export async function signCard(taskId, opinion = 1) {
return await postEvent({
type: 'task-signed',
taskId: taskId,
memberId: currentMemberId,
opinion: opinion
export async function setQuorum(quorum) {
return await postEvent({
type: 'quorum-set',
quorum: quorum
() => {
//return aoStore.state.socketState
socketState => console.log('AO: client/api.ts: socketState: ' + socketState)
console.log("NODE_ENV is", process.env.NODE_ENV)*/
//const api = new AoApi(socket)
//export default api
/*async fetchState() {
const session = window.localStorage.getItem('session')
const token = window.localStorage.getItem('token')
const user = window.localStorage.getItem('user')
if (session && token && user) {
return request
.set('Authorization', token)
.then(res => {
aoStore.state.user = user
// console.log(
// 'AO: client/api.ts: fetchState: initial state: ',
// res.body
// )
let dataPackageToSendToClient = res.body
// Get the memberId
let memberId
dataPackageToSendToClient.stateToSend.sessions.forEach(sessionItem => {
if (session === sessionItem.session) {
memberId = sessionItem.ownerId
// See if we got our member card
let foundMemberCard
if(!memberId) {
console.log("memberId missing when loading state")
} else {
dataPackageToSendToClient.stateToSend.tasks.forEach(task => {
if(task.taskId === memberId) {
foundMemberCard = task
if(foundMemberCard) {
console.log("State includes member card:", foundMemberCard)
} else {
console.log("State does not include member card")
let metaData = dataPackageToSendToClient.metaData
aoStore.memberDeckSize = metaData.memberDeckSize
aoStore.bookmarksTaskId = metaData.bookmarksTaskId
return true
.catch(() => false)
return Promise.resolve(false)
export async createCardIfDoesNotExist(
) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
aoStore.getTaskByName_async(name, (task) => {
if (isObject(task)) {
console.log("task exists!")
} else {
const act = {
type: 'task-created',
name: name,
color: color || 'blue',
deck: [currentMemberId],
inId: null,
prioritized: false,
postEvent(act).then((res) => {
aoStore.getTaskByName_async(name, (task) => {
export async createAndPlayCard(name, color, anonymous, to) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
this.createCardIfDoesNotExist(name, color, anonymous).then(success => {
aoStore.getTaskByName_async(name, found => {
to.taskId = found.taskId
resolve(this.playCard(null, to))
/*async findOrCreateCardInCard(
prioritizedpostEvent(act) = false,
color = 'blue',
) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
aoStore.getTaskByName_async(name, found => {
console.log('gotTaskByName name was ', name, 'and found is ', found)
let act
if (found) {
if (prioritized) {
resolve(this.prioritizeCard(found.taskId, inId))
} else {
act = {
type: 'task-sub-tasked',
taskId: inId,
subTask: found.taskId,
memberId: anonymous ? null : currentMemberId,
} else {
act = {
type: 'task-created',
name: name,
color: color,
deck: anonymous ? [] : [currentMemberId],
inId: inId,
prioritized: prioritized,
postEvent(act).then(res => return res)
/*async function pinCardToGrid(
) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
aoStore.getTaskByName_async(name, (task) => {
console.log('gotTaskByName name was ', name, 'and found is ', task)
// console.log("AO: client/api.ts: pinCardToGrid: ", {x, y, name, inId, task})
if (isObject(task)) {
const fromLocation
const toLocation: CardLocation = {
inId: inId,
coords: { y, x }
} else {
const act = {
type: 'task-created',
name: name,
color: 'blue',
deck: [currentMemberId],
inId: inId,
prioritized: false,
postEvent(act).then(res => {
const taskId = JSON.parse(res.text).event.taskId
const gridAct = {
type: 'grid-pin',
inId: inId,
taskId: taskId,
x: x,
y: y,
memberId: currentMemberId,
.set('Authorization', currentSessionToken)
/*async function unpinCardFromGrid(
) {
return await postEvent({
type: 'grid-unpin',